Monday, February 23, 2009

And You Thought Being A PASTOR'S Wife was Hard....

Next time you're tempted to give your husband the ultimatum ("Honey, it's the church or me"), remember, things could be worse. Be thankful you're not married to one of THESE ten guys:

1) Bounty Hunter:"Not tonight dear; I have to rendezvous with an axe murderer."
2) Nuclear Weapons Tester: "By the way darling, there's an 18 and a half percent chance that our future children will be born with two heads...."
3) Attack Dog Trainer: "Sorry babe, I have to work late tonight.... rush order for the Hell's Angels. By the way, my facial lacerations are healing nicely. You can hardly see the teeth marks anymore!"
4) Bomb Diffuser: "See you after work dear. Or not."
5) Dysentery Stool Sample Analyzer: Yes, this is a real job. I pity the woman married to the man who brings his work home with him.
6) Worm Taster: Also a real job. "No dinner for me tonight sweetheart. I couldn't eat another bite."
7) Snake Milker: Biblical or not (Mark 16:18), at least the "snakes" on a Deacon's board aren't full of deadly venom....
8) Bovine Inseminator: How's that for a romantic prelude????
9) Flatulence Analyst: Yes, this job is exactly what it sounds like. Even worse if you also happen to have boys at home.
10) Rodeo Clown. Now that would be just plain ridiculous.

I think I'll stay in the fishbowl for now! (Matt. 5:12) Happy laugh


Wilson's said...

Although as I see it, all those jobs are either by self employment or 1 emplorer. Not 200-500 bosses with ideas of how you should be doing your job!

Jaime, married to a Pastor

Jenny Schweyer said...

LOL... how true!!! We have about 650 bosses at our church. :)